

Link to hosted Project Proposal

Link to Project

Project Details


The app is deployed on Heroku.


To build the docker image run following command: docker build . -t <image_name>:latest

Once docker image is created, run docker image/nodejs app using following command: docker run --publish 3000:3000 <image_name>:latest

Connecting with SQL

ER Diagram of Database

The Database file is stored as database/portfolio.db. You can import database in DB Browser using this file. You can also create database in any other tools using database/db.sql file.


We have used chart.js library for GitHub Activity bar chart at /user/portfolio page. It will render as shown following: GitHub Activity Bar Chart It shows the number of user’s activities on GitHub in past month.

GitHub API

The GitHub RESTFul API is integrated with the application. You can connect your GitHub account by adding “GitHub username” from “Add Social” option on /user/add-social form. The GitHub repositories are rendered on portfolio page of given username at /user/portfolio

Twitter API Integration

This project integrates the Twitter API. To use Twitter API,

  1. Create the developer account as described here.
  2. Create project and app in
  3. Get the credentials of your Twitter API
  4. Add these credentials in environment. You can add values in env file and save it as .env
  5. Add API token values to .env file from the app created in above steps

Unit tests

Using Jest.js framework the unit tests are implemented in project. The test_modules directory contains all the test files. The password.test.js file runs different tests for password validation in file modules/password_schema.js To run the tests: npm run test

Development tools

Workflow strategy

master branch is deployed at GitHub Pages. dev branch is created for development purposes. Project can be divided into following steps:

  1. Basic setup with Python framework(backend), JS framework(frontend) and database(SQLite)
  2. Integration with different APIs, GitHub, Twitter etc.
  3. Authentication and Authorization – API tokens setup etc.
  4. Dynamic Frontend for data retreived from API
  5. Feature to automatically update website content on update from any API
  6. Test cases
